This brand of cigarette is higher priced than most and is targeted for the financially wealthy smoker who wants "More" from their smoking practice and enjoyment. It has a lighter, more delicate aroma and flavor than most cigarette brands offer. The brand was originally developed to target female smokers who prefer the softer taste in a cigarette but are now smoked many men too.
R. J. Reynolds considers the More brand to be one of their “Non-Suppor

The Japan Tobacco Company is more active in marketing the More trademark but, it also caters the advertising to the more prosperous and exclusive parts of the market. They market More Cigarettes in a wider area and thus have a larger part of the market share for this trademark.
More Cigarettes come in several varieties. Neither of the manufacturers, R.J. Reynolds or the Japan Tobacco Company, offers all of the same varieties. In the classic styled cigarettes, More Filters are marketed in a red, flip-top box, and More Lights are in a blue box.
When More cigarettes were launched on the tobacco market, this brand was targeted for women. The first advertisement for More cigarettes had an elegant lady with a magnetic look that held a brown More cigarette with a slogan “Dare to be More”. The first More cigarettes were brown, making these cigs different from the usual white ones, and had a 120mm size. This tobacco product was the first brand to be successfully marketed in this size. More cigarettes were designed to be slimmer and longer in comparison with other tobacco brands.
There is more diversity in the longer, slimmer assortment that is targeted specifically for the ladies. They are the More Brown Light, the Brown Light Menthol, the Menthol, the Regular, the White Light, and the White Light Menthol. The packaging for these is longer and slimmer than the regular box and is only available in a soft pack. The packaging is colored to be flavor identifying and is a single color with a contrasting double stripe placed diagonally across the lower part of the package and the More Logo and variety printed across the top face of the package.
More cigarettes have a light, delicate flavor and aroma. Their odor is more than just of a cigarette. By smoking these cigarettes you feel that you dare for more than just a simple cigarette, you dare for “More”.
Are you paying over $5 / pack of cigs? I buy my cigs over at Duty Free Depot and I save over 50% on cigs.