Accomplished. From 1 April this year, "tobacco" Mayor Bloomberg's bill - to the horror of some and the delight for the rest - came into force. Cool and without concessions.
Apparently, this summer the sky above New York pogolubeet. All smokers stop to smoke in public and pollute the already polluted air record over that scrapes the sky megalopolis.
War smoking - anyone - and his followers declared long ago, decree Bloomberg - regular, albeit a severe blow to lovers of tobacco potions. The ultimate goal of this vindictive (across America) campaign - the destruction of urilschika as a class, forcing smokers - nonsmokers, clean - unclean, wicked - the righteous. It is indeed the biblical syuzhet.Tak during the October Revolution in Russia was pressed all the bourgeois.
Simultaneously with the might and main drain polluting mass change and society itself - its physiognomy, physiology, habits, morals, habits, manners, life, style, phobias and affiliate. But above all - a cultural code, the canons and techniques of different arts. I would not now, Ilya Ehrenburg wrote his "Thirteen tubes, to teach them the art of smoking and to distinguish them from thirteen distinct etnotipov. But no one would now and did not publish his "tube", fearing their politnekorrektnosti blatant and overt sedition.
But most of all suffered because of anti-smoking campaign film. And above all - the U.S., heavily traumatized removal from the finished set of artistic means. So far (and more is yet more), there is confusion in this movie before the emptiness in the place where there was a "trump card" techniques, symbols, metaphors, allusions and a fountain of sublimation. The history of American cinema, of course, was written in tobacco smoke.
Freud once said that only sometimes a cigar - it is just a cigar, you can smoke. He was referring, of course, its phallic symbolism. In the cinema for 50 years, the cigarette was never just a cigarette, which actor or actress would be lit at random and unique. Ogonek lit cigarette described by a dotted line on the screen of human fate, the characters of the characters, fable the amplitude of the film. Raskurennaya cigarette on screen has always been intense detail, packed with meaning and pulling over an associative tail.
In American movies smoking as a particularly drunken, thorough and long - frame by frame. Looking at this kinoshnogo squanders time, come to the conclusion that this was one of the ways of his creative filling. Especially stylish was at the Hollywood screen, sucking a cigar and talk - a nasal voice and the weight - through her. The then movie screen was thoroughly imbued with environmental tobacco smoke - so thick and layered, that the audience really felt the poisoning of these virtual cigarette smoke.
And then suddenly, but understandable kinogeroi stop smoking: significantly, with the semantic load, and psychological overtones.
From the film disappeared simple system of signs that catch the viewer to fly and transcribed with a fine-tuned sensitivity to intuition. Here are two films with a difference of 50 years.
In "The Maltese Falcon" production in 1941 the actor Humphrey Bogart concentrated twists a cigarette, which means in the tongue-tied on the motivation of cinematography, the plot of the next conflict. The tobacco pouch, dangling from his pocket jackets Bogart, immediately signals his brute male force.
Film production in 1991 "Regarding Henry" is not trouble-free use of this sign system of smoking in movies. Not only that: the mere fact of smoking used in this film is not functional, as estimated - ideologically, in the form of exemplary, albeit ironic, morality - the hero actually is paying the price with their lives for addiction to binge smoker: he would not have got brains, if they had not ran into beer stand for a pack of cigarettes. Scenes from bleeding on the floor of the tavern actor Harrison Ford served as a rough and a clear illustration of the slogan of the then American Day: "Smoking - evil." Even more propagandistic fervor interpreted in the film "Death on the second pass" macabre scene with a cigarette, where Andy Garcia trying to feverishly suck traheotomnuyu cigarette smoke through a hole in his throat. In short, if more recently on-screen smoking with meaning, but now - with morality.
Of course, film has always played a dual role in society: on the one hand - fixing on the other - making their behavioral and performance models. In this case, held by American society in the country-wide campaign against smoking has undermined not only the commercial base of tobacco magnates, but also extensive symbolism of smoking on screen. In the new film impulsively only villains smoke. Positive characters do not smoke at all.
Film director Daniel Miller, himself a former chain smoker, says that now "would not have dared to depict the protagonist with a cigarette in his mouth, unless it is a historical film. But the latest innovation: a historical films and even Westerns, where no tabachischa quite impossible, if the hero grabs the pouch, then this case usually ends - sverhbditelny producer would not let him drag her heart's content on the screen.
The disappearance of cigarettes from the American cinema has destroyed the system of associative connections, which went into the auditorium of the cigarette smoke on screen. At the lowest level of the symbolic white cylinders served as a red herring - to take a hands awkward actress kill boring dialogue, a pause to cool the heat of passion lit up the screen.
On the next floor of the semantic cigarettes in movies more difficult to characterize the heroes. Depending on what smoking heroine - ordinary cigarettes or filter, cheap or wood tobacco brand "Parliament" or "Camel", sketched her character, position in society, cultural requirement. Passionate tightening on-screen actress Bette Davis, as well as its characteristic gesture - violently crushed in an ashtray half-smoked cigarette - reported far come neurosis. Tobacco smoke screens in 40-ies, however, clinging thickly over the world very different human relations and relationships: men's triumph, for example, manifested in obkurivanii face of the enemy, when defeated the man who lit the first cigarette when the proposal was also a proposal of love.
That love symbolism and sexual Metaphorization often extracted in the years from the act of smoking in movies. In the era of prohibition eroticism on the screen long thin cigarettes, easily moving between the red of closed lips, became a metaphor for safe sex. In the movie "Next, the traveler" (1942) was found an ideal formula of sublimation love of intimacy, which was denied in the course of the plot unlucky lovers, in the act of joint raskurki cigarettes. "Well, have a smoke along with grief," - says the hero at the end of the film, lighting a cigarette and passing it to the actress Bette Davis.
This eloquent gestures of love was in the year in American film sacramental love etiquette.
At the movies do not smoke simply because - from the personal needs or for pleasure. Smoking on screen has always been functional and had the exact significance. Flattened in a saucer cigarette, cigarette, canceled on the instep of the shoe, the flickering flame of a lighted cigarette is cinematic characters, which, because of the limitations of their use nevertheless do not become cliches. They are characterized by a fluidity of meaning and dynamism of the application.
For example, American movies 80's - mid 90-ies heavily on the "cigarette metaphor" in love symbolism, although the ban on sex in cinema has long been removed. Just a phallic symbol of cigarette smoked on screen intimately the two lovers, moved to another associative series - emotional and lyrical. In the language of psychiatry, the act of smoking on the silver screen always "sverhzaryazhen" - has its own semantics and detailed symbolism.
Current, essentially non-smoking American cinema has lost this trouble-free signaling system viewer. It is inconceivable to the modern view of the heroic Victor Laszlo from "Casablanca", setting off on a dangerous meeting with the underground with a pack of cigarettes in his pocket. And vice versa: in the movie "Cape Fear", where the popular actor Robert De Niro plays a sadistic suffer from complexes, a heavy smoker, the fact that the hero's addiction to cigarettes has said about his criminal inclinations.
In other words, if the positive characters in film today regulatory non-smokers, the villains simply have to strike a match and lit it.
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