Friday, 13 November 2009

Smoking or sex?

Since over time the number of smokers, as well as a range of substances which are used in such a way, is growing steadily, the scientists never tire of studying the influence of smoking on various aspects of human life and especially in the sexual sphere.
For example, researchers from the University of Melbourne found that men who smoke marijuana, have serious problems with orgasm. Telephone survey of 8658 people showed that difficulties with ejaculation amateurs "grass" in the face four times more likely than supporters of a more healthy lifestyle.
Regular smokers, however, have the opposite problem: among them the percentage of premature eyakuliruyuschih three times higher than among non-smokers.
The poll was conducted among people aged 16 to 64 years. The percentage of smokers of marijuana in more than 36 years of age was expectedly low.
However, more young men confessed to smoking marijuana and physiological difficulties in the bed, had, in spite of this, more sexual partners than non-smokers. Amateurs marijuana number of people who had two or more sexual partners over the last year, was twice that among non-smokers.
Even more stunning results gave a survey of women smokers: over the last year they are seven times more often infected with sexually transmitted infections through, than non-smokers ladies. Thus women smoking does not make physiological problems in bed.

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